Wednesday, December 10, 2008


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Button Games & MySpace Layouts

Friday, December 5, 2008

For ME?!?!?!

wmode="transparent" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

Christmas Gift Toy & MySpace Layouts at

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Custom Countdowns & MySpace Layouts

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I live: in a house with a sweetly awesome family.
I am: a weirdo.
I think: I am going to get a Zune at least SOMETIME in my life (mom)
I Know: how to play piano.
I want: everything my heart desires
I have: a sense of humor!
I dislike: when people try to scare me. And of course SPIDERS. ew
I miss: the time when I didn't have to worry about zits and puberty.
I fear: that Ciera's email that she sent me is a pop out scary thing so I am not opening it.
I feel: Happyish and sadish cuz I have homework.
I hear: well right now I can hear the recorded General Conference.
I smell: cookies (i wish)
I crave: Chocolate and Music and Warmth and a ZUNE.
I cry: when bad things happen. And hormones.
I usually: am way happy!
I search: for ways I can get whatever I want.
I wonder: how the economy thing is going to work out.
I regret: getting in trouble in elementary school because we played tag on the playground. What?
I love: my family and friends.
I care: for my family and friends and fish.
I always: try to never think down about others
I worry: that everyone I know and love will die before me.
I am not: a popular person.
I remember: only certain things... really random things.
I believe: that i am never going to trust another email or anything suspicious on the computer again.
I sing: pretty good I guess. IDK.
I argue: about chores.
I write: in my journal
I listen: to music.
I can usually be found: swimming or playing piano.
I am scared: of SPIDERS.
I need: to make a really good painting for once.
I forget: to do certain chores...

I tag: Mom and Lilian!

Friday, September 19, 2008


Yay!(sorta) I am finally back from DISNEYLAND! It was SO much fun! I shall show you some pictures and clips!

Disney Land
Okay, I want to be Cruella DeVil when I grow up. She was hysterical!

So here we are at Goofy's Kitchen! It was awesome! The food AND the entertainment!

Here we are with the one and only Mickey!

The Beach Oh and how cute is this little crab!

Isn't that such a gorgeous view of the ocean?


Okay this is so crazy. Shamu is actually SLEEPING! When they sleep, half of their mind is asleep and half of it is telling them to go up for air! Cool huh?

MORE Disney Land!
Me with Minnie Mouse! I am taller than her!
Okay, my dad practically freaked when he saw the "Hot Feline Girls" and nearly passed out when a Cheetah came and said hi to him! Here is the clip! You can even hear my dad commenting...

It was SUCH a fun time! I wish I was there right now! But, then again, it wouldn't be that special!

Monday, September 1, 2008

I am hyperventilating... (did I spell that right?)

Two words. DISNEY LAND!!! I am SO excited for our first family vacation since, well, FOREVER! In only two weeks we are going to DISNEY LAND, SEA WORLD, CALIFORNIA ADVENTURES AND THE BEACH! YEAH!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

BD Release Party

Me and my friend, Sara!!

Okay, so here's a couple of pictures from the B&N release party of Breaking Dawn.

Here's a pic of me, my mom, and Stephenie Meyer's sister, Emily...

Monday, July 28, 2008


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Monday, July 21, 2008


Second Twilight Trailer...

Yay! Even more Robert to look at!


Ok, so my mom looked up more info on Tru Talent Management. She found out that it was a scam to get money from you. You have to pay 1,800 dollars for lessons. Yeah, thats a lot. So yeah, I am not going to be an actress. I am positive that if Sam tried out to be an actress, she would get in! I heard that she is such an awesome actor! I will have to see you act sometime Sam! See you when school starts or sometime before then!:)

Oh so here are some pics of me and Kara that my mom took.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Guess what happened at the mall...

A few days ago, I was really bored, so I decided to go to the mall. Kara Killian came with me. While we were there, a woman came up to us and said, "Have you heard of Tru Talent Management?" Of course we haven't. She also said that we were two cute girls that should go into acting. They apparently worked for Disney. She gave us a card and said she would call our moms to see if we are able to do it! When I got home I looked it up. They also worked for McDonalds! Yay! So my mom said that I could go to Salt Lake City and try out! So I might be able to be in a Disney show, or a Mcdonalds commercial! Wow! I am so excited! My mom and glorious Kara Elmore are going to teach me some tips on acting! They were both actresses! Woo hoo! Wish me luck!
(up above is the picture of the card the agent assistant gave me)

Friday, June 27, 2008

My Fruit... And "Lost" guy...

More Fun Quizzes at

More Fun Quizzes at

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Twilight Scene!!!

Oh my Edward! This is absolutely amazing! I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Good Luck Alan...

Lilian and Cory, I am so happy that Alan decided to go on his mission to Tallahassee, Florida! I am so glad that he is going to serve the Lord and to teach people about the gospel. Tell him good luck from me!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Oh I love u Lilian!! But I thought you only said you would tag ONE person...


  1. Family and Friends
  2. Disneyland Vacation
  3. Summer Vacation
  1. Just like Lilian, I HATE SPIDERS!!EWWWWWW!!!
  2. Gross things
  3. My family leaving me forever(that is my worst fear)
  1. Helping my parents get enough food storage
  2. Get grades up
  3. Spend more time with family
  1. Edward Anthony Masen Cullen
  2. Funness
  3. Friends and family
I am entering to compete to be Junior Miss Kaysville on August 16th! Anyone can come! I would LOVE it!! But you don't have to come if you don't want to.

I am tagging anyone who reads this who hasn't done it yet!!!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Twilight Trailer


Oh my Edward! I LOVE it! Can't wait until the movie! I watched it 17 times! Thats my fav number! LOVE IT!!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

My cute family...

Hello Everyone!
Here is my Super awesome wonderful family! They mean the world to me and I would do anything for them. They teach me to always choose the right and teach me about the gospel. I love them so much and I know that they love me just the same! Love them! (very bad picture of me right there...)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Edward Cullen...

Hmmm... well, he is so amazing you just can't describe him in words. First, he is extremely attractive. Secondly, he is the sweetest guy EVER! Thirdly, I love him. He is a AWESOME HOT VAMPIRE! Oh yeah... I really liked the idea that Kara had on her blog, and I would like to do something like it, only YOU have to participate! What YOU guys have to do, is tell me what quote is YOUR favorite! Fun isn't it?